The good news in the bad news is that God is good even when life is hard and his goodness and mercy chases after us even when Satan would rather have us believe otherwise. The last few years have been filled with so many trials but by the grace of God I stand because he…

“By patience, you possess your soul.” Luke 21:19 Free download included in this post!

Patience. Have you ever prayed for God to give you patience, then your life started getting even more difficult, and then you’re left scratching your head wondering what in the world is going on?  James tells us to not think it strange the fiery trials that come to us.  (1 Peter 4:12-19) for they are training us to patiently endure trials by putting our…

ABOUT ME AND THIS WEBSITE Hello! I’m Jennifer, and I’m so happy to have you here! This website was inspired by my desire to proclaim the matchless love of God. I want others to experience what I have by internalizing the love of God. It has transformed me into a better person. Not through willpower,…

I AM that I AM

The True name of God There is much debate on the correct name of God. So what’s the truth? Is it Yahweh, Yeshua or Jesus? What’s more important is having first-hand experience of knowing God as Yaweh and savior. Yahweh is the covenant name of God. Moses was instructed to tell Israel this name as…