Hello! I’m Jennifer, and I’m so happy to have you here! This website was inspired by my desire to proclaim the matchless love of God.

I want others to experience what I have by internalizing the love of God. It has transformed me into a better person.

Not through willpower, not through legality, not through rituals or forms of religion that lack power and ability to bring change and healing, but by simply surrendering to God’s love! This is the simplicity of the gospel!

I have found that it’s God’s love alone that can give true peace and wholeness in one’s life.

There are a lot of people looking for peace and wholeness, which comes from a secure attachment to God. His love when internalized frees you from being a slave to fear. His love puts you into parasympathetic, rest digest, and healing mode. You will read a lot about this on this website because this is the state that God desires that we predominantly be in, vs being in sympathetic dominance which is the state most people are in.

Being in sympathetic dominance brings upon a faster rate of decay and aging. It’s very destructive to your body.

Internal and external rest comes from learning of Jesus and accepting his invitation to surrender to his and the father’s love and wisdom. To come out of Babylon the symbol of confusion and learn from the one who alone has understanding. The sabbath represents this internal and external rest. As Jesus said, come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest, to learn of him for he’s the master teacher, for he created the world and he is the Lord of the Sabbath and the prince of peace.

When we have peace with God and learn of Jesus we will have this internal peace that will radiate to the external, by having a lack of chaos in our lives.

Jesus said to clean the inside and then the outside would be clean. It all starts in the mind, If you get your mind right the rest will follow. Holiness has to do with the whole being. Holiness is wholeness., mind body, and soul. Holiness is being at peace with God and others and being in the right relationship with God and others. It’s living by the everlasting gospel of righteousness by faith- complete trust in God in all things. This is brought on by faith that works by love- looking at the cross and which became a type of tree of life like in the garden of Eden.

Trust was lost at the tree of knowledge of good and evil and trust is restored when you behold the lamb of God, Christ Jesus that hung on the cross, giving his life for humanity.

I have this ministry not because I feel I’m qualified, but because I don’t, but God doesn’t call the qualified but he qualifies the called.

I have this ministry not because I’m perfect..because I’m not..I’m completely aware of my imperfections. I can say with Paul know that nothing good dwells in my flesh and that I’m the chief of sinners. I’m the poor man in Luke. I am completely aware that I need a savior day by day minute by minute second by second but this is what gives me strength!

When I’m weak, I’m strong because then I can go to the source of all power and strength!

I won’t pretend that I have it all together either- because I don’t, but what I do know is that I have a heart for God and I love him and once I surrendered to his love-all started to change.

The old me started to die and the new me rose to newness of life.

I’m a work in progress and I understand the work of sanctification is the work of a lifetime, But Jesus is sitting me free!

I lay hold of his promises that he will complete that which he has started me..he will perfect that which concerns me!

Im not perfect, but I’m real and I’m honest

I have deep wounds and traumas.

I have had great pain and heartache, some that I thought I would never heal from but here I am being healed by God’s love! He is loving me to wholeness!

I am daily being washed in the blood of the lamb, his steadfast covenant faithful love, and this is what is healing and growing me and allowing chains to break off of me, and I’m so thankful for this redeeming love!

With the woman, at the well, Jesus said he’s not interested in rituals and ceremonialism but to worship in spirit and truth. Let him be our all in all because he alone can fulfill the desires and needs of the human soul.

I’m just one beggar telling another beggar where the bread and water are!

So I invite you on this journey of wholeness with me. Jesus is asking you as he did me..will you be made whole? Will you surrender to redeeming love and let him wash you in his covenant faithful love and let him love you to wholeness?