The good news in the bad news is that God is good even when life is hard and his goodness and mercy chases after us even when Satan would rather have us believe otherwise.

The last few years have been filled with so many trials but by the grace of God I stand because he holds me up!

July 2023, I fell down marble stairs and broke my back and was completely out of order for months. Soon after this, I came down with covid and then bronchitis and then pneumonia.

I’ve been having severe fibromyalgia flares, and migraines severe enough to send me to the emergency room.

I lost so many loved ones this year including my foster parents who took me in as a baby. My foster dad died and then a few weeks later his wife died.

Then my cousin lost her 15-year-old daughter in a car accident this last May.

Then my mom was diagnosed with stage 3 throat cancer and is currently battling chemotherapy and radiation. Her prognosis was terminal without swift and aggressive treatment.

I asked God to show me his glory and then extreme adversity came! But through the trials, God showed me the good news amid the bad news.

I became even closer to God. God revealed his love to me in greater depths and revelations than what I had before these events. God is the God of good and no matter what we are going through God promises to bring good out of all bad. I have seen this over and over firsthand! I have even more experience through these trials that nothing can separate me from God’s love!

“Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:31-39

I leave you with this. Whatever you’re going through in life, trust that God is bringing good out of all the bad, and by keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus when Satan tries to cast a hellish shadow over you look to the sun of righteousness who comes with healing in his wings and by beholding his love and glory you will become changed and then the trials that Satan hopes to destroy you with will only bring growth and greater revelations of God’s faithfulness and love! God will give us strength and endurance and rest as we keep our eyes focused on him!

“He only is my rock and my salvation,
My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken.” Psalms 62:2